It's an historic day!

But I'm not going to talk about it. I'll leave to the historians of the future to interpret what made it historic. I'll only say that any who rejoice in the passage and signing of this particular legislation do so at the expense of myself and millions of your countrymen. Enjoy.

It seems to be the consensus among my friends, family and therapists that I need to learn to stand up for myself. This despite the fact that all the worst things that have happened in my life came as a result of my "insisting on my rights." I have never personally felt, or felt inspired by the Lord, that I needed those rights so badly that I should do it at someone else's expense. I believe I am supposed to give of myself to help others and not worry what it is costing me, but rather to trust in the Lord to provide for me.

Apparently, this what used to be known as a martyr complex, but now is termed as the Mr. Nice Guy syndrome. I am being told that the only reason I try to be a nice guy is to win the approval of others and to serve the toxic shame acquired during my childhood, primarily at the hands of my parents. I won't elaborate further, the details get even more nauseating.

I always thought I was raised of goodly parents who did all they could to instill proper values and a testimony of the true gospel of Jesus Christ and that I am accountable to my God for how well I follow that teaching. Imagine my surprise to learn that they were likewise victims of centuries of religious oppression, and that at the very least, we are being deceived by so-called prophets who trick us into thinking that we need to do anything on this earth than accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and all our sins- past, present and future- are forgiven without further condition.

Think of all the time it could have saved me (is that what they mean by saved?)if I had heard and accepted that message in my early years. Instead, I have foolishly tried to improve myself and bridle my passions when I could have lived my life as I please and just make sure to reaffirm my saved status before coughing out my last breath. What a tragedy that some people died too suddenly and failed to do that and save themselves... wait, we can't save ourselves. I forgot.
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