The Priesthood Rocks!

My family had the most amazing experience tonight in our FHE. We talked about the priesthood, and recognizing God's power and the promptings of the Spirit. Also, we talked about how giving yourself up to Heavenly Father in faith can bring about mighty results. If you remember that you are nothing without the Lord, but everything with the Lord, then there is nothing you can't do if you make that kind of connection and give all the glory to God. After the lesson, I gave each of my three children who were present a Priesthood blessing.

Like a lot of people, I've had trouble with pride in the past and it has caused much grief. It cost me the worthiness to use my Priesthood and it cost my family the blessings of the Priesthood. I am only just beginning to understand how terrible that was. But God is merciful and blesses us when we repent. If you can learn that opposite of pride is joy; that God will do incredible things through us if we can learn to acknowledge that it is only through His power that anything ever is.

I call that joy, because when you sacrifice your pride in total submission and let the Lord work completely through you there is no other description for what occurs than joy. If I ever knew these things before, I must have forgotten them because I don't remember feeling this way before.

The power of those blessings was phenomenal. We all felt it, and afterward, we sat looking at each other as if there was fire all around us. That was Joseph's description and we all agreed. The youngest two had never had an experience like this and it was very profound. I had never felt this before, really. I am not boasting of my great blessings, or my piety or any other thing that I could do. I can do nothing. It is the power of God that holds my very cells together, and I am nothing without that power.

I had never been able to accept that before, so I never knew the true power of the priesthood. I had been told about it, but never developed a true testimony of it because I was more concerned about how impressive I was. So wrong. The power I felt could only have been God's. It was no part of me. It did not come from me in any way. It came pouring through me like a white hot flame, and I thank my Father in Heaven for letting me and my family feel such joy. We have been needing it for so long, and now I can say something that I have never believed before: Life is good.
1 Response
  1. Margie Says:

    Hey David. I finally found your blog. Thank you for sharing it. I just read this post and loved, loved, loved it. I will read the other posts another day, as it's late and I'm tired, but I just wanted to find and bookmark the page so I can return. I'm so glad you had that experience and that you shared it with me...and everyone else...Margie